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MIND Editorial Board

MIND Editorial Board

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Discussion Papers > MIND Editorial Board

Chair: Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter
, Department for Media and Information Studies at the University of Aarhus

  • Prof.Wolfgang Benedek, 
Institute for International Law and International Relations, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz

Prof. Jon Bing, 
Law Faculty of the University of Oslo

  • Prof. Rafael Capurro, 
International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE), Karlsruhe

Dr. William Drake Jr., 
Institute for Communication of the University of Zurich

  • Dr. Jeanette Hofmann
, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)

  • Prof. Bernd Holznagel, 
Institute for Telecommunication and Medialaw at the University of Münster

  • Prof. Divina Meigs, 
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
  • Prof. Milton Mueller, 
Institute for International Studies at the University of Syracuse, N. Y.

  • Dr. Philipp S. Müller, 
Center for Public Management and Governance, SMBS, Paris-Lodron University Salzburg

Prof. Michael Rotert, 
Institute for Informatics, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Rolf Weber, 
Law Faculty of the University of Zurich

MIND-Multistakeholder Internet Dialog
MIND stands for Multistakeholder Internet Dialogue. The discussion paper series is a platform for modern polemics in the field of internet governance. Each issue is structured around a central argument in form of a proposition of a well-known author, which is then commented by several actors from academia and the technical communities, the private sector, as well as civil society and government in form of replications. all MIND-publications

Sebastian Haselbeck
Sebastian Haselbeck
Gordon Süß
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